Below are some of the training opportunities SBTC offers.
Services & Applications
1. Google Apps
a. Docs
b. Calendar
c. E-mail
d. Sites
2. SquareSpace Web Design
3. Microsoft Office
a. Word
b. Excel (Introductory or Advanced)
4. PowerPoint
5. Streaming Media Integration
Equipment & Tools
1. Interactice Whiteboards & Presenters
2. Document Cameras
3. Tablet Computing
4. Projectors & Presentation Equipment
5. Audio-Visual Overview
Media Production
1. Video Production
a. Introduction to Visual Storytelling
b. Basic Camera & Computer Use
c. Editing and Output
d. Advanced Techniques and Effects
2. Digital Photography
a. Basics of Digital Photography
b. Editing for Output
3. Responsible Use of Media with Students
Methods & Philosophies
1. 1-to-1 Computing
a. Changes to pedagogy
b. Engagement and self-directed learning
c. Letting go and adding value
d. Authentic assessment and digital artifacts
2. Digital Ethics & Issues
a. Intellectual Property for Educators
b. Responsible Use of Media
c. Student Safety in a Digital World
d. Social Media and Student Interaction
3. Project-Based Learning
a. Introduction to Project-Based Learning
Technology Readiness
1. Basic Trouble-shooting
2. Audio-Visual Overview
3. Thinking Digital
4. What is “Integration”?
5. Getting Past the “Magic Box”
*Note that other offerings and subjects may be
available. SBTC can also develop specific offerings
for an individual school given some time and
access to the equipment or software involved.