
Entries in Overview (1)


Welcome to How IT Works

Welcome, thanks for reading through How IT Works.  This blog is a resource for school and parish administrators, board memebers, and anyone else seeking to better understand the choices for technology in the Archdiocese of Chicago.

I work in the Archdiocese, as the Technology Director for St. Benedict Parish & Schools.  I am also the director for the St. Benedict Technology Consortium, a group that supports many schools and parishes thoughout the Archdiocese.  I've worked in educational IT for 15 years, and seen many changes, and some things remain very much the same.

This blog is intended primarily as the distillation of my experience and that of the very excellent people I've had the good fortune to work with.  I'm a pragmatist, so up front I'm dispensing with the platform wars or biases from the beginning.  The range of schools we now work with at SBTC represents virtually the whole spectrum within the Archdiocese, and no one solution is a perfect fit for all of them.

If you have any question, please feel free to e-mail me at sbell@stbenedict.com